Energize yourself with
Pulsed Electric Magnetic Fields
Our Bodies are made of energy... It only makes sence we would need to recharge.
What is PEMF?
It basically works by sending electromagnetic waves through your body to heal and rejuvenate your cells. This strengthens your body naturally and safely. When you use PEMF, you will be able to notice improvements in your physical and mental states.
PEMF therapy sends electromagnetic currents through your body by generating them in a set of coils. These coils are electrically charged and, when they are activated, release waves.
When our body is exposed to PEMF, it heals our body at a cellular level. Each of our cells throughout our body has a membrane. The membrane is like an “outer shell” that allows molecules to pass in and out of the cell. It also has an electromagnetic charge that determines how permeable the membrane is. When our membrane’s charge is weakened, it doesn’t allow as many molecules and nutrients to pass through the cell. It also slows down the process of removing waste to keep the cell clean.
When our cells are exposed to PEMF, the electromagnetic charge of the membrane becomes balanced, making the membrane more permeable. This allows the necessary amount of nutrients to enter the cell and cleanses it of toxins. PEMF therapy also improves circulation through our blood vessels and heart.
Because cells make up the entire human body, when they are healthier, so is the rest of our body.
The effects that PEMF has on our cells can give our bodies so many health and wellness benefits from a physical level to a mental one. These can include:
Pain Reduction
Bone regeneration
Arthritis and stiffness relief
Improved focus and energy
Relief from depression and anxiety
Who has time to lay on a mat for hours to receive their recharge?
The Vibe:
A Pocket
PEMF Device
The Vibe is a Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) generator. The energy level is so low most people can’t feel anything – except the results.
You place it in your shirt pocket or wear it around your neck with a lanyard while cooking, cleaning. watching TV, sitting at your computer, reading, or walking.
It’s about 1/2 the size of your phone and only weighs a couple ounces.
The Vibe is a PEMF therapy device that utilizes 55 Resona Health Protocols. The device is a self- contained stand-alone device. No other phone or Bluetooth connection is required. No monthly subscription fees or apps to download.
Why Choose The VIBE?
It fits in your pocket so you can treat yourself anywhere.
It is a lot less expensive than most PEMF devices.
It has 55 programs to run. No education needed.
No need to go out to a treatment center. Treat yourself daily right at home.
Watch for more Info!
This video is a great overview of Resonance Frequency Therapy and the new VIBE PEMF device. Relief from PTSD, Anxiety, Insomnia, Back Pain, and so much more.