Personalized Music Therapy
Inner Voice
Discover the Power of Personalized Music and Frequencies
“Nysha, thank you again for your help! My anxiety and depression were at a 100/10 and now (after using inner voice) I am at a 5/10 and it’s only been 4 days! I very much look forward to truly becoming who I am meant to be. Thank you.”
Why Use Inner Voice?
The American Medical Association (AMA) states that 80 percent of all health problems, emotional and physical, are stress related, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has stated that 85 percent of all diseases appear to have an emotional element.
When we talk or sing, we generate a series of musical notes and chords that are based on our emotions, many of which are deeply hidden in our subconscious mind. Our emotions, even ones we don’t know that we have, affect us physically. Emotions release hormones, which in turn, cause a physical response. This response can be good or bad.
“I’ve been struggling with anxiety for years, but since I started incorporating Inner Voice into my daily routine, I’ve noticed a significant improvement in my overall mood and stress levels.”
How Does Inner Voice Work?
A 10-second recording of your voice is used to determine the stored frequencies on your Vagus Nerve. This will determine emotions that are impacting various tissues and organs in your body.
Personalized music files will be emailed to you. Listen to it a few times each day to begin to release the chemical peptides from the docking stations on the various organs and tissues to help improve their vibrational frequencies. Over time, it will help your body balance the emotions you are dealing with.

What Does An Inner Voice Report Look Like?

Discover the Power of Music Therapy

Testimonials from Inner Voice Clients