Detox with the Ionic Foot Bath by Ionic Balancer
The Ionic Body Balancer™ provides a highly effective DRUG FREE Therapy cleansing and stimulation the Lymph System allowing it to maximize T-Cell production for the Immune System.
Ionic Cleansing: How does it work?
Ionic foot detox is a natural and non-invasive way of removing toxins from the body. The process involves soaking the feet in a bath of warm water and salt while an electric current passes through the water, creating negative ions that help draw toxins out of the body. The ions attach themselves to the toxins. Then a small percentage of those toxins are removed through the feet. The rest of the toxins will be excreted through your urine and feces within the next few days.

Here are some commonly asked questions:
Today most of the food, air and water we drink carries some form of toxins. Even if you are eating an organic or raw diet and drinking filtered water there are many toxins that have become part of our daily environment. These toxic elements stressors build up over time causing a number of health related issues. Decreasing the toxic load in your body will only improve the quality of your life.
We never want you believe that there is any equipment that will cure you. You repair yourself utilizing a
conscious, balanced approach to life which includes diet, exercise a positive mental outlook, detoxification and more.
The Ionic Body Balancer™ is a tool that makes it easier for you to move from dis-ease to wellness with ease in as little as 30-45 minutes session twice per week.
Your Ionic Body Balancer session combines water, salt and a small electrical current to produce negatively charged ionic energy that cleanses at the cellular level, charges up the cells like tiny batteries, and promotes healing through the detoxification of free radicals and toxins to promote healing.
Everyone will detox at different rates. At the end of your session, the total amount of “gunk” in your foot spa water is only a representation of the total detox that your body will undergo. The detox you will experience happens inside your body through your lymphatic and endocrine systems over the following 2-3 days.
The Ionic Body Balancer™ kick-starts your lymphatic system, which ultimately empties into your Excretory System. (The function of your lymph and lower GI tract is to rid the body of waste.) Because of this, you may feel the effects of the detox system for several days following each treatment. However, each person is different; some people will not experience any side-effects, while others will. If you do have a reaction, cut back your use of the Ionic Body Balancer™ to every other day, twice per week, or once per week until your reactions have subsided.
Keep in mind as you look at the water you will see colors and some of the toxins may be being released. You will be provided a chart with the specific colors and what they represent. You must realize that many toxins are microscopic. However, you may see some interesting stuff like Candida and Fungus being released. By the way if you have been on antibiotics or eat commercially raised meats, the chances are almost 100% that you have Candida. For that reason alone, you should detoxify yourself regularly.
The reason for this has to do with the laws of Thermodynamics and how water ionization process works.
When energy is set into motion (turning the system on, current flow into the water through the array), it has no choice but to continue in that movement, until an outside force is acted upon it, causing the energy to cease (turning the system off). While that energy is in motion, it must do something. What does it do? Reacts with all of the minerals that may be in your water (or salt, if it has been added), from suspension in the water. The resulting color change is a light orange color. The material in the water is just water, not toxins. If you dip your finger (or a rag) in this water, nothing will stick to it, it is just water. Trying the same thing after you’ve had your feet in the water and your finger (or rag) will be pretty effectively coated in muck. If you are using a rag, it will continue to be stained, no matter how many times you may wash it.
The colors changing in the water are a representation of the conditions that may be present in your body while doing a session. Similar to how EKG/EEG are showing conditions in the heart/brain.
It is a generally widespread consensus that persons with organ/tissue transplants should NOT use ionic foot spas at all. The reasoning behind this, is that a transplanted organ/tissue is technically not part of your body and could be identified as an “invader” by the ions which would try to “fix” the organ/tissue by attempting to flush it out. For that reason, it is strongly recommended that persons with organ/tissue transplants NEVER use the ionic foot spa unless under close physician supervision.
The second category of persons who should possibly NOT use ionic foot spas are person with “electrically active” implants such as pacemakers, defibrillators, spinal stims, etc. Again, it is strongly recommended that persons with these implants NOT use the ionic foot spa unless under close physician supervision.
The third category or persons who should NOT use ionic foot spas are women who are pregnant or still nursing. The reasoning behind this is similar to organ transplants in that technically, the child is not part of your body and could be identified as an “invader” by the ions which would try to “fix” the organ/tissue. For nursing reasons, you would not want the detoxing materials to transfer to the newborn.
Inert transplants (nonelectrical) in the body such as metal pins, screws, rods, joints (hip, knee, etc) are just fine and persons can use the ionic foot spa without issues.
what does the color of the water mean?
